We would like to announce that we have been ranked 386th in the “FT ranking: High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2022”, jointly conducted by Financial Times and Statista.
We have been nominated out of more than 1 million companies headquartered in 13 countries in the Asia Pacific region.

■ Overview of Asia-Pacific High-Growth Companies 2022
This research was jointly conducted by the British economic newspaper Financial Times and Statista, a German organization which provides statistical survey data, in order to identify the companies that have contributed most to the economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region.
■ Criteria for inclusion
・Revenue of at least $100,000 generated in 2017 (or currency value equivalent as of December 31 2017);
・Revenue of at least $1m generated in 2020 (or currency value equivalent as of December 31 2020);
・An independent company (not a subsidiary or branch office of any kind);
・Headquartered in one of these 13 territories in the Asia-Pacific region — Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam;
・Revenue growth between 2017 and 2020 that was primarily organic (ie “internally” generated).
■ Details of the research
(1) Scrutinized more than 1 million companies headquartered in 13 countries in the Asia-Pacific region over several months from a large database.
(2) Directly interviewed a few thousand prominent companies out of the (1) to collect more information.
(3) Announced the top 500 companies which have achieved particularly high growth among the (2).
We are honored to have been ranked in such a reputable ranking.
Nevertheless, we will not cease to aim for further leap forward.